A pancreatic cyst is not the same as a pancreatic solid mass or a pancreas cancer. Most pancreatic cysts are benign (not cancer) and usually require little more than regular check-ups with imaging such as CT or MRI scans. A small proportion of pancreatic cysts can change to become pre-cancerous or cancerous and thus, in these instances, close monitoring; more invasive tests or occasionally surgery is required
What is a Pancreatic Cyst?
A pancreatic cyst is a fluid-filled growth on or in your pancreas. The pancreas is an organ located behind the stomach that plays a vital role in digestion and hormone production. Most pancreatic cysts are benign (non-cancerous), but some can become malignant over time.
Types of Pancreatic Cysts
There are several types of pancreatic cysts, including:
Many pancreatic cysts don’t cause symptoms and are often found incidentally during imaging tests for other conditions. However, if symptoms do occur, they may include:
Diagnosing a pancreatic cyst typically involves imaging tests such as:
Treatment Options
The treatment for a pancreatic cyst depends on its type, size, and whether it’s causing symptoms:
Living with a Pancreatic Cyst
Living with a pancreatic cyst can be manageable with the right care and monitoring. Here are some tips:
A pancreatic cyst diagnosis doesn’t have to be a cause for alarm. Most people with pancreatic cysts require little more than monitoring and regular imaging. If you have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider for guidance and support.